Table Meditation for Easter B 31-March-24
31-Mar-24 (John 20:1-18)
We come to this table to remember the death of Jesus but, in a way, we're also remembering Jesus' resurrection. We know that Jesus is our host here at the Table, so in coming, we remember that he lives and is with us in this very moment. So come to the Table, remembering the Christ who came to us, who showed us how to live, who died for us, and who lives with us now.
Let us pray.
God, whose power raised Christ from the dead, we thank you for Jesus and all he's done for us. We thank you for this bread and cup that remind us of his death which killed the power of sin and death for us. We thank you for his presence daily in our lives and at this Table. As we take this bread and cup, fill us with the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead so that we can be living messengers of your grace in our world.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN