Table Meditation for Lent A1 – 22-Feb-23
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22-Feb-23 (Matthew 4:1-11)
It's not a question of whether we'll fall at some point in this life as Christians. It's a given. We will, and most of us will do it a lot more than once. The question is, "What do we do then? How do we pick ourselves up and, with renewed strength, set out feet on the path of Christ again?"
One answer is to set deliberate times in our lives when we remember Jesus, examine ourselves, and recommit to the way of Christ. And... here's one of those times right here.
Let us pray.
God who sent us Jesus to show us how to walk in your way and showed us your love for us even when we didn't, we thank you for that great example and we thank you for that grace which we need constantly. We thank you for this bread and cup that remind us how much he gave to show us the depth of your love for us all.
As we encounter Jesus again at the table, help us to remember all that he taught us. Let us be honest with ourselves and you about how we've lived and let us be sure in your forgiveness.
As we take the bread and cup, renew your Spirit within us; strengthen us again, that we can go from here ready again to walk in your way.
In the name of Jesus, who gave his life for us, Amen.