Table Meditation (Gospel) for Lent 2C – 16-Mar-25
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16-Mar-25 (Luke 9:28-36)
Jesus says to Jerusalem, "How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings." That desire to gather God's children together, even when they're not all behaving very well, continues today. It is that same "mother hen" who says, "Come, take, and eat." as he calls us to this table. It is that same one who gave all he had to make the way for us to be right with God who says, "Do this to remember me."
Jesus calls all of us, dear children, to gather at the table together and take shelter under his wings.
Let us pray.
God who's love for us always reaches out to us, even when we don't reach back, we thank you for Jesus, who showed us your ever-reaching love. We thank you for these symbols, the bread and cup, that remind us that even death was not too great an obstacle for your love. As we gather under your wings, take, eat, and remember, fill us again with your Holy Spirit, that we might bring the Good News of your ever-reaching love, in word and deed, out in our world.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.