Table Meditation (Gospel) for Lent 3C – 23-Mar-25
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23-Mar-25 (Luke 13:1-9)
We're, all of us, like the fig tree in the parable that Jesus tells. Sometimes we need a second, third, or even fourth chance to show what God intended for us. Thankfully, like that fig tree, God is the God of second chances.
Here at the table we remember just how far God is willing to go to give us those chances. Here we remember that Jesus gave his own life that we might have life. Here we remember how God has nurtured and loved us, even when we didn't look like much.
Let us pray.
God who loves us into being what we can be, we thank you for Jesus, who showed us how to live a life of meaning and purpose. We thank you for his willingness to endure even death so we might have a second chance. We thank you for the bread and cup, symbols of what it cost to make that possible and reminders of your love which even death could not overcome.
As we take this bread and cup, fill us also with your Holy Spirit, that we can go from here, nurtured and growing in your grace, able to bring the Good News of your love to a world that cries out for a sign of hope.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.