Table Meditation (Gospel) for Lent 4a – 19-March-23
19-March-20 (John 9:1-41)
Who was blind in the Gospel story? True, the man who was born blind had been unable to see. Yet, by God's grace, he was given both the ability to see the physical world and a new insight into the spiritual world. The Pharisees didn't fare so well.
They were blind because they didn't see the man who had been born blind. All they saw was a violation of their Sabbath Law. They were blind because they didn't see Jesus. All they saw was a threat to their cherished status quo. That is a blindness that is far more difficult to heal and yet one which we all are more likely to suffer from. If we think about it, we can all recall times when we've failed to truly see other people because of who we thought they were and what we thought they were doing.
Imagine not only the ones at your communion table right now, but also people from all times and places gathered at the Table. Let God open our eyes to truly see them as they are, truly human; each with their unique abilities and disabilities; each a beloved child of God in whose life God can be gloried; each a beloved brother or sister for whom Jesus gave his life. As we remember our Lord, let us also open our minds and hearts to our brothers and sisters.
Let us pray.
God of us all,
We remember your Son, who willingly gave of himself that we might have abundant life. We thank you for these symbols, the bread and cup, that call into mind the body and blood of his sacrifice. We pray that the memory of Him would transform us from within to open our minds and hearts to your realm and rule and to the brothers and sisters that stand here with us.
In the name of Jesus, the Christ, AMEN.