Table Meditation (Old Testament) for Lent 4a – 19-Mar-23
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19-Mar-23 (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
When Samuel looked at young David, he didn't see the man who would defeat the Philistines time after time. He didn't even see the boy that would take down Goliath. What he saw was a young man who had a heart for God. That's what Samuel was talking about when he said, "the Lord does not see as mortals see; ... the Lord looks on the heart." That's what mattered. That's what would make him a great king.
So it is with us who come to the table. God is not looking for great deeds or great power. God is looking to our hearts to see if we want to serve God.
Let us pray.
God who loves each and every one of us, even knowing all that is within our hearts, we pray for forgiveness for all those times our hearts have not been set on you. We thank you for Jesus, who showed us what a life given in love for you and others looks like. We thank you that Jesus laid down his life to show us the depth of your love and we thank you for these symbols, the bread and cup, that remind us of that.
As we take the bread and cup, renew your Spirit in us, strengthen our love for you so that we can truly be people after your own heart and more truly represent you to our world.
In the name of Jesus, who gave his life for us, Amen.