Table Meditation for (Gospel) For Lent 4C – 30-Mar-25
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30-Mar-25 (Luke 15:1-3,11b-32)
Both parables in the gospel reading talk about how much God loves those who are struggling with sin, the lost, the ones who need that love. Well, that's pretty much all of us.
As you look around the table today or as you think about each and every one who comes to take communion in all times and places, remember that every single one of those, including you, are dear and precious to God. No one is left out of God's love.
Let us pray.
God who loves us wherever we are and whatever we've done, we thank you for your son Jesus, who came to teach us how much you really love us. We thank you specifically that he showed us that even sin and death cannot come between you and us. We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup that remind us of what he gave to show us.
Now, as we eat this bread and drink from this cup, fill us again with your Holy Spirit that we can carry the Good News of your love out into our world and share your love with all we meet.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.