Table Meditation (Old Testament) for Lent 5a – 26-Mar-23
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26-Mar-23 (Ezekiel 37:1-14)
Ezekiel came upon the valley of dry bones and God asked, "Mortal, can these bones live?" Ezekiel gave the only answer one could give: "O Lord God, you know." And God showed him the miracle of dry bones coming to life.
Some of us look around the Church and wonder out loud, "Can the Church yet live?" The answer is, "God knows." and "The power of God will do it."
It begins here at the table, with nourishment that brings life to our parched and life-worn souls. It begins by taking bread and cup and trusting God to pour out God's Spirt on us to bring us to life and give us the will to share that life with others.
Let us pray.
God who is the source of life and wellbeing, we thank you for the life of Jesus that taught us how to live truly and well. We thank you that he chose to show us who you were even when it brought about his death on the cross. We thank you for the bread and cup, symbols that remind us of that sacrifice and the love behind it.
As we take the bread and cup, restore us to life through the power of your Spirt. Make us ambassadors of that abundant life to the world around us. Send us out to complete your work in our world.
In the name of Jesus, who gave his life for us, Amen.