Table Meditation (Gospel) for Lent 5b – 17-March-24
17-Mar-24 (John 12:20-33)
"unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." This bread before us is the result of seeds that fell to the earth and was reborn as stalks of grain, then "died" again, to be reborn as bread. This cup comes from seeds that were also buried, reborn as grapes and then crushed and reborn again as drink. They are, of course, symbols of the death of our Christ to overcome sin and death for us, but they also serve to remind us, as Jesus did in the gospel, that we too must follow him in giving up the life that might have been for the life in Christ that we are called to live.
Let us pray.
God, who gave all that we might have life, we are thankful for the gift of your Son, who showed us how to live a life of faith. We are grateful for his death that conquered sin and death for us. We are thankful for these symbols that help us to remember these things. Help us also remember that we are called to follow Christ in giving all we are to become what you have called us to be. Let us, die to ourselves, that we might be born again to bring the Good News of your mercy and love to a world that longs to hear it.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN