Table Meditation (Gospel) for Lent 5c – 3-Apr-22
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3-Apr-22 (John 12:1-8)
Four days before Jesus washed his own disciples' feet, Mary washes his with fine perfume. Mary's act was an act of reverence for the one she called "Master." Jesus' act was an act of service for the ones he now called "friends." So which Jesus are we remembering here at the Table, our Master and Lord or the one who was a servant to us?
The answer is "Both." At the table, we remember the one who showed God's love for us by giving his own life, his own body and blood. We also remember our Risen Lord, who is our host at the table. As we come, remember the One who is both Lord and Master and Loving Servant.
Let us pray.
God who shows both power and mercy, we thank you for your son Jesus, who taught us what it means to truly follow you, and so we follow him. We also thank you for Jesus who gave his life that we might have life. We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup, to remind us of all he gave. As we remember, let us remember too, the love he showed us and the things he teaches us. As we take the bread and cup, fill us anew with your Spirit, that we might take Jesus' teachings and his love into our world.
In the name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.