Table Meditation (Gospel) for Proper 15b – 18-Aug-24
18-Aug-24 (John 6:52-59)
Jesus describes himself as like the manna that fed the Hebrews in the desert, except that those who partake of him will not die. We don't know how the Lord is present at this and every other table where the bread and the cup are given and taken but we do know that the Lord is present. We don't know how it is that our lives will be preserved, but we do know that, even if we die, we will live with God. In part, the bread and the cup are symbols that remind us of that.
Let us pray.
God, we thank you for Jesus who is our manna in the desert of this world. We thank you for this bread and cup that remind us that Jesus gave his life so that we might know you and live. As we take the bread and cup, fill us with the hope of living with you, both in this world and the next. And then send us into the world to tell others of your life-giving grace.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN