Table Meditation (Gospel) for Proper 8a – 2-July-23
2-July-23 (Matthew 10:40-42)
Jesus said, "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me." Now, he was talking to his disciples, but I also think that applies to Jesus' disciples throughout all time and space. That means, any and all who want to know about Jesus, any and all who long for God's presence and want to know the love of God, anyone who desires to come, is welcome here.
We are not gatekeepers at this table. We are those who have come and experienced all these things and humbly welcome any and all to share them with us.
Let us pray.
God of us all, We thank you that you that you welcome have welcomed us to the Table. So let us open our hearts to all who come as well. Empower us through your Spirit to love all people as you do. Fill us with your love in such a way that no division will have a place left.
We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup, that remind us of all that you gave to demonstrate that love for us. As we take, together, the bread and cup, so may we truly be together as one and so demonstrate your love to the world.
We pray this in Jesus' name, AMEN.