Table Meditation (Gospel) for Ordinary 6b – 11-February-24
11-Feb-24 (Mark 1:40-45)
As we come to the Table, let's consider people, like the man with leprosy in our gospel story, who are on the outskirts of society and often shunned and more often ignored. How can we carry the Good News to them that they are welcome here in our church and in our communion? We can do that with words, certainly, but we can also do that with actions. We can show them that nothing can and nothing should separate them from the love of God.
Let us pray.
God, who each and every one of us, we thank you that you are come as host to this table. We pray that, just as you have extended your welcome to us, we can extend our welcome to everyone who comes.
We thank you for the bread and the cup, symbols of your love for us that was so important to show to us that even death itself could not keep you from showing that love.
Let us bask in the love now and also carry that love into the world in your name.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN