Table Meditation for 5-Jun-22
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5-Jun-22 Pentecost Sunday (John 14:8-17)
In the gospel reading for today, Jesus explains to Philip that, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." Jesus so reflected the nature of God that to see Jesus is to see God; to know Jesus is to know God. Imagine if that were true of us as well.
Part of coming to the table and remembering Jesus is to recommit ourselves to being more like him. For many people in this world, we are the only representation of Jesus they will see.
As we come to the table now, let us recommit to better reflecting the nature of our Lord and Savior, both individually and collectively, so the world can see.
Let us pray.
God, whose very nature was shown so well in Jesus, we thank you for Jesus and the example he gives of what it means to reflect you. We thank you that he was willing to give his own life to remove the barriers of sin and death for us. We thank you for this bread and cup, that remind us of that.
As we take the bread and cup, let your Spirit come within us again, that we might reflect your glory in our world and that others would see you through us.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.