Table Meditation (Gospel) for Pentecost B – 19-May-24
19-May-24 (Acts 2:1-21)
Today we celebrate Pentecost, when the Spirit allowed people to hear the Good News of God's love in their own individual language and when the Church as a whole grew amazingly because of it. We celebrate both the individual and corporate effects of the Spirit's coming.
We also celebrate individual and corporate effects here at the Table. We remember that Jesus gave his life that each and every one of us would be free from the yoke of sin and death. We also celebrate that Christ, as the host at the Table, calls us all of us together, to become one in him. So with thanksgiving for both the individual and corporate grace of God, let us pray.
God who is Lord over all and who cares for each one, we thank you for your Christ, who came to teach us how to live, who died that we might live more fully, and who now brings us together with all who call upon his name in all times and places.
We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup, that we each and all are given, that remind us of these things.
As we take the bread and cup, fill us also with that Spirit that came on Pentecost, that we too will share the Good News of your love to everyone we know, in words they can understand.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN