Table Meditation (Gospel) Proper C10 – for 10-Jul-22
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10-Jul-22 (Luke 10:30-35)
The thing about the Samaritan in our gospel story for today is that, when he looked at the man lying on the side of the road, he didn't see a hated enemy, a foreigner, a threat. He saw a fellow human being, a neighbor, a brother in need. So he took it upon himself to meet the immediate needs and any that might quickly follow.
Here at the table, we could see the others that are also here as others and even potential threats or, like our Samaritan in the story, we can choose to see them as brothers and sisters.
So let us come to the table, seeing each other as brothers and sisters in Christ; all welcomed by Christ our host; all dearly loved by God.
Let us pray.
God who loves us all and loves each of us dearly, we thank you for Jesus, the one who came to show us your love in the form of a brother. We thank you that he would not even withhold his own life in order to make a way that we can be right with you and each other. We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup that remind us of all he gave to open that way.
Now, as we take the bread and cup together, fill us anew with your Spirit, that we may be able to see others as our brothers and sisters as you do and, so seeing them, we might share the Good News of your limitless love with all we meet.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.