Table Meditation for Proper C14 – 7-Aug-22
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7-Aug-22 (Luke 12:32-40)
Our gospel reading for today has the parable of the servants who were prepared for their master to return at any time, even though he was delayed. It's clear to us that we want to be among those who are prepared for Jesus' coming, so how do we do that?
One way is right here and now: At the table, we connect again with our risen Lord. We remember him and especially remember that he didn't even withhold his own life in order to make this possible for us. We also gather around the table with our Lord's other servants in all times and places. We see or can imagine all those who share our calling as servants of Jesus and each other and together we gain the strength to continue Jesus' work until he comes again.
Let us pray.
God who is our host and our source of life, we thank you for this table that brings us together with you and each other. We thank you that you showed us the way in your life and that you gave your life in order that we could have real fellowship with God and each other.
We thank you for this bread and cup that remind us of what you gave for us. As we take these symbols and eat and drink, fill us also with your Spirit, that we would have to power to be your body and truly represent you here and in the world.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.