Table Meditation (Gospel) for Proper C27 – 6-Nov-22
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6-Nov-22 (Luke 20:27-38)
In our gospel reading for today, Jesus talks about marriage and says that when God's Realm comes fully into being, it will no longer be necessary. In a broader sense, Jesus is warning us that a lot of what we consider to be important aspects of our life here and now will be exchanged for other things in the Realm of God.
Another one of those things that won't be needed in the Realm of God is the way we assign different importance to different people.
As we come to the table, let us look for a glimpse of that realm as it comes into being. Let us all come as forgiven sinners and as beloved children of God. There is no rank other than that, nor is any needed.
Let us pray.
God who loves each and every one of us as beloved children, we thank you for Jesus, who came to show us how to live as one of yours and how we can work to bring your realm into being. We thank you that he gave his own life to overcome sin and death for us and to show us how much you love us. We thank you too, for these symbols of bread and cup, that help us remember his sacrifice for us.
Now, as we take this bread and cup let us become Jesus' body in this world and carry the message of your love for each and every one out into your world.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.