Table Meditation (Gospel) for Proper C28 – 13-Nov-22
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13-Nov-22 (Luke 21:5-19)
Our gospel reading for today is filled with all kinds of scary stuff, persecutions, family members turning against one another, people being brought before judges to explain their faith. Through all of that, Jesus says that we need not be filled with fear. God will give us the wisdom and strength to deal with those situations.
Jesus didn't spend a lot of time talking about the things that were to come. Most of what he said was about what we should be doing right now: We should be caring for the poor, the helpless, and the oppressed. We should be loving our neighbors near and far. We should be practicing what it means to be Christ's loving community. One place we see that last thing is right here at the table. We all gather as children, loved by the same father and called to bring that same love for each other. Let's do that.
Let us pray.
God who loves each and every one of us and wants us to love each other with that same love, we thank you for Jesus, who came to teach us about that love and show it to us in action. We thank you that he gave his own life to overcome sin and death for us as an expression of that love. We thank you too, for these symbols, the bread and cup, that remind us of his sacrifice.
Now, as we take this bread and cup let us carry Jesus with us into the world and share that love with each and all we meet.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.