Table Meditation (Epistle) for Proper B11 – 21-Jul-24
21-July-24 (Ephesians 2:11-22)
The scripture from Ephesians for today recalls a time when the Church was just beginning, and the main difficulty was trying to figure out how Gentiles and Jews could worship and serve together. The issue of Jews and Gentile is long gone, but we still struggle with trying to bring together people from different classes, politics, and thought. Paul says to the Ephesians that "have been brought near by the blood of Christ" and "in his flesh he has made all groups into one." It is here at the Table that we remember the blood and body of Jesus, broken in order that we, both individually and as a group, would be made whole.
Let us pray.
God who yearns for our wholeness and oneness, we come to you today as broken people. We do not want to fight against your will to bring all people together in Christ. Thank you for these symbols of bread and cup that remind us of all you were willing to give to draw us to you and to each other. Thank you for the life of Jesus that shows us how to live as servants of you and each other.
Now, as we take the bread and cup, fill us again with your Spirit, that we may carry this oneness into our world, bringing peace and reconciliation to all we meet.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN