Table Meditation (Gospel) for Proper B7 – 23-Jun-24
23-June-24 (Mark 4:35-41)
When the Disciples climbed into that boat, they probably thought they had an idea of who Jesus was. By the end of the day, they knew Jesus in a whole different way. We don't always get our world turned upside down when we come to the Table, but we do have the opportunity to see Jesus and to know him. Here we see him as our host, welcoming any and everyone to the Table. Here we see him in the symbols of bread and cup, remembering again that he would not let anything stand in the way of our knowing and living in God's unending love. Here we meet the one who's word calmed the storm, bringing us life everlasting.
Let us pray.
God who shows yourself to us in many ways, surprising ways, let us see you now in the breaking of the bread and the pouring out of the cup. We thank you for these symbols of your love that crosses every boundary to meet us where we are. We thank you for Jesus, who taught us how to live and gave us eternal life and who shows you to us in ways we hadn't realized were possible.
As we remember Jesus, fill us with his Holy Spirit, that we may carry his message of your love into the world with us.
In the name of Jesus, our Christ, AMEN