Table Meditation (Epistle) for Proper 23a – 15-October-23
15-October-23 (Philippians 4:1-9)
At the end of Paul's comments in Philippians 4 for today, he says, "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." There are many things that fall into those categories, but we have one right in front of us now. I hear in Paul's "think on these things" an echo of Jesus' "do this to remember." And so, as we come to the Table, let us think on Jesus, who showed us that God would give everything so that we would have a place here.
Let us pray.
God who is the source of all good things, we thank you for all that is good in our lives and in our world. We thank you most of all for Jesus, who taught us how to live and whose death shows us that you will allow nothing to separate us from you. We thank you for these symbols of bread and cup that remind us of all of this. As we take them and remember Jesus, let us become more like him and more empowered to carry the Good News of your love to all we meet.
In Jesus name, AMEN