Table Meditation (Gospel) for Trinity Sunday C – 12-Jun-22
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12-Jun-22 Trinity Sunday (John 16:12-15)
How do we remember Jesus; what he said, what he did, who he is? In the gospel reading for today Jesus says that it is the task of the Holy Spirit to declare the things we need to know. That's one way we remember Jesus. This table is another.
Here we encounter Jesus as our host, calling every one of us to the table. Here we remember what Jesus taught us. Here we remember that he gave his life to show us the love and forgiveness of God.
So come to the table and remember.
Let us pray.
God, who gave us Jesus to teach us how a life given to you and others looks like. We thank you for that gift. We thank you for these symbols, the bread and cup, that remind us that he gave his own life to make your love known. We thank you for the gift of forgiveness of sin and freedom from death.
Now, as we take this bread and cup, fill us again with your Holy Spirit, that it may do it's job of teaching us all we need to know to follow your Son. Then send us into the world to tell others about these great gifts of life you have given.
In the name of Jesus, our Risen Lord, Amen.