I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
A favorite hymn. Words and Music written by an anonymous author.
#344 in the Chalice Hymnal.
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Our worship today continues with the theme of wondering when Jesus is coming back, and what we are to do in the meantime. The Christians of Jesus' day, and of the time years later when the Gospel of Matthew was written, faced persecution, questions, and other issues.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #706: Proper 27A – (Shaw 11.12.2023) 13th Anniversary”
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
A favorite hymn. Words and Music written by an anonymous author.
#344 in the Chalice Hymnal.
to watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Jesus chose us to be the representatives of God's realm here on earth. What does it mean to accept that call? Pastor Amy teaches from Mark 1:14-20 about the privilege and opportunity of being a part of God's work.
The worship service is 30 minutes long and includes a time of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music:
--- "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" - Bev Heid
2. "Gather Us In" - DisciplesNet singers
3. Pastor's Prayer: Pastor Bob
4. "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow" - Southport Christian Church
5. Scripture: Mark 1:14-20 read by Susan McNeely
6. Message: “A Piece of the Action" Pastor Amy
7. "Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore" - Dean Phelps
8. Communion: Pastor Deb (Prayer by Blanche Wright)
9. "Come, Share the Lord" - DisciplesNet Singers
10. Sending Out
11. Credits
--- background music:
--- "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" - Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
to watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Jesus did not choose the best, the brightest, the obvious leaders when he chose his 12 disciples. Just as then, Jesus chooses unlikely people, like us, to be his messengers and representatives in this world. Pastor Bob uses Luke 5:1-11 and shows us how it is Jesus' choice that makes us right for the job and not what we might imagine the qualifications to be.
The worship service is just over 25 minutes long and includes a time of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music:
--- "All the Way My Savior Leads Me" - Chalice Hymnal
2. "I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry" - DisciplesNet singers
3. Elder's Prayer: Elder Susan
4. "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow" - Southport Christian Church
5. Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 read by Bill Johnson
6. Message: “Loser, Winers, and Other Sinners" Pastor Bob
7. "Here I Am, Lord" - DisciplesNet singers
8. Communion: Pastor Russ
9. "When You Do This, Remember Me" - Southport Christian Church
10. Sending Out
11. Credits
--- background music:
--- "All the Way My Savior Leads Me" - Chalice Hymnal
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
to watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
How do we best serve God? First and foremost, we must follow Jesus' lead and be ready to humbly give everything. Rev. Charles Webb, Jr. uses Mark 10:35-45 to show us Jesus' commitment to God's way at any cost and how we, as Jesus' followers, are called to do the same.
Our worship today is 32 minutes long and includes a time of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
--- Bev Heid
2. "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" - Southport Christian Church
3. Pastor's Prayer: Pastor Deb
4. "Drifting Too Far From the Shore" - Dean Phelps
5. Scripture: Mark 10:35-45 read by Susan McNeely
6. Message: “Jesus Paid it All" Rev. Charles Webb, Jr
7. "Because He Lives" - Southport Christian Church
8. Communion: Pastor Russ
9. "Here at Thy Table, Lord" - DisciplesNet Singers
10. Sending Out
11. Credits
--- background music: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
--- Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
to watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
We all have experiences in our lives when we feel alone. We all have experiences in our lives when we feel less than whole. Pastor Bob uses the scriptures from Isaiah 35:4-7 and Mark 7:31-37 to talk about these times and provide hope for God's presence and healing in our lives.
Our worship today is just over 34 minutes long and includes a time of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us.
(Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "You'll Never Walk Alone"
--- Beverly Heid
2. "I Will Sing of My Redeemer" - Southport Christian Church
3. Elder's Prayer: Elder Susan
4. "Precious Lord" - Twana Harris and Phoebe Spier
5. Scripture: Mark 7:31-37 read by Russ Smith
6. Message: “You Are Not Alone" Pastor Bob
--- including the scripture: Isaiah 35:4-7
7. "No, Never Alone" - DisciplesNet Church singers
--- Beverly Heid piano and Sue Dykes piano accompaniment
8. Communion: Pastor Russ
9. "I Come with Joy" - DisciplesNet Singers
10. Sending Out
11. Credits
--- background music: "You'll Never Walk Alone"
--- Beverly Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
What do we do when we are faced with what appear to be impossible odds? Pastor Bob talks us through the story of David facing Goliath and shows us that God calls us to use what we have in resources and experience to face our own "giants."
Our worship today is 35 minutes long and includes a time of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite Easter hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee"
--- played by Bev Heid
2. "Gather Us In" - DisciplesNet Singers
3. Pastor's Prayer: Elder Susan
4. "How Great is Our God / How Great Thou Art" - Southport Christian Church
5. Scripture: Ephesians 6:11-17 read by Russ Smith
--- background "Be Still and Know" played by Pam Barksdale
6. Message: “the Whole Armor of God" Rev. Bob
7. "Little is Much" - Dean Phelps
8. Communion: Rev. Anita Comm
9. "One Piece of Bread" - Thom Schuyler
9. Sending Out
10. Credits
--- background music: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee"
--- played by Bev Heid
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
to watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Jesus has some hard words for his followers today about counting the cost of being a disciple. Pastor Bob takes us through some of the consequences, the problem we all face in trying to do this and reminds us that being a disciple has benefits as well.
Our worship today is 28 minutes long and includes a time of prayer, scripture, a number of favorite Easter hymns, preaching as well as communion. You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "I Surrender All"
--- played by Dean Phelps
2. "Lord, Make Us Instruments" - Southport Christian Church Choir
3. Pastor's Prayer: Pastor Russ
--- background "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" played by Beverly Heid
4. "Jesu, Jesu" - DisciplesNet singers - Harmony by Charles H. Webb
5. Scripture: Luke 14:25-33 read by Susan McNeely
--- background "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" played by Beverly Heid
6. Message: “Counting the Cost" Pastor Bob
7. "The Gift of Love" - played and sung by Dean Phelps
8. Communion: Pastor Deb
9. "I Come with Joy" - Southport Christian Church
9. Sending Out
10. Credits
--- background music: "I Surrender All"
--- played by Dean Phelps
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
Jesus called his disciples to a life of service to God and others and so does Jesus call us. Pastor Amy teaches this lesson from Mark 1:14-20 as part of this 30-minute worship service including hymns, prayer, and, as we do every week, a time of communion (breaking of the bread). You may choose to participate, or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." If you would like to share with us at the table that goes beyond earthly boundaries of time, place, and structure, we ask that you prepare a piece of bread of some type and a drink such as grape juice, wine, or water. As we pray, our prayers extend to where you are. If you are unable to eat or drink, you may want to use a symbolic gesture or mental symbol as you come together at this table of remembrance with us. (Scroll down for an Order of Worship)
We hope that as you join us for worship you will feel a blessing from being part. Please tell friends, family, and others you know about our online church that is here with doors that are always open, walls as wide as the world, and always room at the table.
1. Opening background music: "Make Me a Channel of Your Blessing"
--- played by Bev Heid
2. "Stepping in the Light" - sung and played by Dean Phelps
3. Pastor's Prayer with Lord's Prayer: Pastor Deb
4. "Lord, Make Us Instruments of Your Peace"
--- Southport Christian Church
5. Scripture: Mark 1:10-24 read by Elder Susan
6. Message: “A Piece of the Action” Pastor Amy
7. “I Love to Tell the Story”
--- Southport Christian Church
8. Communion: Pastor Russ
9. "One Bread, One Body"Southport Christian Church
10. Sending Out
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
DisciplesNet Church is a not-for-profit church that exists to cross barriers and boundaries to share the Good News of God's redeeming love. We rely on the gifts of our online viewers as we continue to grow and extend our nets around the world.
We also extend the invitation for you to be part of the DisciplesNet ministry by giving a one-time gift, or ongoing, including a tithe. Even the smallest of gifts, like the mustard seed, has a way of growing in amazing ways to share God's word and the love of Jesus Christ. We have a giving page on our website, disciplesnet.org, and email address: giving@disciplesnet.org
God bless you, and thank you for joining us!
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
“Whoever should follow me must hate his mother and father, his brother.... Hand raises. "Uh Jesus? Did I hear you correctly? Just what does this mean? And… will it be worth it?" Our worship today looks at following Christ through the lens of one of the most misunderstood passages of scripture, Luke 14:22-33, where Jesus gives to his disciples words that have been translated into some of the most confusing lessons in scripture. Continue reading →