DisciplesNet Worship #353, Holy Week Part 1, Maundy Thursday
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Our Holy Week service is in two parts that you can view together or first Maundy Thursday, and the Good Friday.
Each is about 15 minutes long, and remembers some of the key parts of Jesus last week.
Part 1 comes in remembering Jesus’ last night of his earthly ministry. We invite you to join us in reading scripture, singing hymns, praying, and observance of washing feet in whatever context works for you, and taking in communion.
Welcome to this Maundy Thursday service, Part 1 of our Holy Week Worship. This special worship, just under 15 minutes, comes as we near the end of Holy Week. This short worship is meant to be a special time of remembering Jesus last moments, Jesus’ last acts in his earthly ministry. As we do this, we ask ourselves to reflect on what those teachings from so long ago, but living in our hearts today, mean to us. What do these mean in each of our unique lives and set of circumstances? Think about your own situation, and also imagine someone in other situations far different from your own.
We will focus on three special areas where Jesus teachings, where Jesus taught his disciples about servanthood by washing their feet, and where he taught them about loving each other as Jesus had loved them, and as he shared with them at the table, and talked of using the bread and cup as a way to remember what he taught them.
As we read scripture, you will notice that we have alternating readers. If you would like to choose one of the parts and read along with it, please do. If you are worshiping together with others, you may wish to divide up and read different parts. We invite you to sing hymns with us as always, or mark time with the rhythm.
1. Opening music, “Tis Midnight and on Olive’s Brow”, played by Pastor Ann
2. Introduction: Pastor Deb
3. Hymn: Jesu, Jesu, v 1
4. Scripture: John 13:33-35, with Deb and Dean Phelps
5. Jesu, Jesu v 2-3
6. Scripture for foot washing:
John 13:1, 2-9, 12-17, Deb and Dean Phelps
6. Foot washing Ceremony, led by Pastor Richard Propes
7. Hymn: Cleanse me, heal me, by Audrey Borschel,
8. Scripture: Communion Matthew 26:25-30
9. Sharing in Communion, Pastors Bob and Pastor Blanche, with Hymn: “Eat this Bread.
10. Sending out
If you would like to chat with one of our pastors, including talking more about belief in God, becoming a Christian or following Christ, or living as a disciple of Christ, please email us at pastor@disciplesnet.org, or contact us using the contact information on our website, disciplesnet.org, or our Facebook page, DisciplesNet Church.
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God bless you, and thank you for joining us!