Romanos 8:38-39, leído por Yarlynn Collado, Iglesia de DisciplesNet
Yarlynn Collado reads Romans 8:38-39 in Spanish to the background of "The Love of God" played on piano by Beverly Carmichael Heid.
Yarlynn Collado reads Romans 8:38-39 in Spanish to the background of "The Love of God" played on piano by Beverly Carmichael Heid.
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What does the fable of Little Red Riding Hood have to do with Jesus' telling of the parables? Join us in our worship and find out from today's preacher Amy Grogan who challenges us to imagine what it was like to be a disciple in Jesus' day.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #194, “Beyond the Story” (Grogan 05.18.2014)”
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Welcome to DisciplesNet Church, an online church with walls as wide as the world, doors that are always open, and always room at the table.
We invite you to join us for this special after Christmas Sunday, with a message about what happens when loves dwells on earth. Our message is by Richard Propes, drawing from the scripture of 1 John 4:
Also, special reading and prayer with 5 advent candles lit, and singing of 5 favorite Christmas songs. Continue reading →
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Welcome to DisciplesNet Church, an internet church with walls as wide as the world, doors that are always open, and always room at the table.
This week's worship speaks of joy, but considers persons who may not be in situations that feel so joyful.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #166, “Shout for Joy” (Miller 11.17.2013)”
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Welcome to the Third Anniversary worship for DisciplesNet Church. We are here for people who come around the world and around the clock. This week we are blessed to have special guest preacher, Rev.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #165, “Oh, What a Tangled Net,” (R. Spleth 11.10.2013)”
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We invite you to join us for this week's 30-minute worship with DisciplesNet church, called to be here from around the world and around the clock. This week Rev. Russ Smith brings an inspiring message based upon the story of the Pharisee and the Publican from Luke 18:9-14.
We invite you to join us for this week's 28-minutes of worship with DisciplesNet church, called to be here from around the world and around the clock. This week Rev. Anita Cobb delivers a message from Luke 17:11-19, of the people with leprosy who called out to Jesus and had their lives turned completely around.
Click here to view this video in YouTube
Welcome! We invite you to join us for 30-minutes of worship time with DisciplesNet church, called to be here for whoever finds their way here from around the world and around the clock.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #159, “Fan the Flame” (April Johnson, 09.29.2013)”
Click here to view this video on YouTube.
Welcome! We invite you to a 30-minute worship time with DisciplesNet church, called to be here for anyone coming our way around the world and around the clock. Today's message is a special one where our worship team shares message, song, and prayer, the Good News that God is the God of second chances, and seeks out persons who are lost in life. … Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #158, “Lost and Found” (Borschel, 09.22.2013)”