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Gracious God, our hearts break as we once again hear of people killed in the sanctity of a house of worship where your servants had gathered to study and pray.
It seems we pray this prayer too often, remembering only 3 months ago lifting prayers in heartache for our Christian brothers and sisters in Lahore, Pakistan, whose churches were targeted by suicide bombers, and many people killed and injured. … Read the rest “Prayer for victims of violence, after the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, USA”
To watch this worship service in YouTube, click here.
How could Mary know as she was told she would have a son Jesus, what all that would mean? In her day and to the world? We are still pondering that question as we observe the Fourth Sunday in Advent. We are blessed to have guest minister, Rev. Dean Phelps bring our message today about God's Word in the World, and how our choices, no matter how insignificant they seem, truly matter.
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To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
How beautiful are the feet of those who brings good news of peace. Our worship today, for the Third Sunday of Advent, has the Theme of Peace, with Rev. Russ Smith sharing a special word about "beautiful feet" as the word goes out to the world about Jesus Christ.
We hope that you'll join us for Worship this week...and share it around, especially with people who may not have been able to worship in a physical church.
This worship includes special opportunities to follow along in singing, prayer, and scripture. As we do every week, we will share communion together at the end of worship (breaking of the bread). We pass along the invitation to join in or simply meditate as we tell of Jesus' invitation to "do this in remembrance of me." Continue reading →
When Jesus was put on the spot, asking if it was proper to pay their taxes to Caesar, he took them a step beyond, teaching the teachers new ways to give. Our worship today comes from Matthew 22:15-22, and includes special hymns and prayers…and a sermon by Audrey Borschel from October 2011 that you will not want to miss.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #216, “Finding Ways to Love” (Borschel encore, 10.19.2014)”
To watch this worship service on YouTube, click here.
How is a Christian to act when arguments with others rise up? We hope that you will join us today as Pastor Amy Grogan looks at Jesus' teachings about dealing with arguments and conflict, at home or in the church.… Read the rest “DisciplesNet Worship #209, “When Conflict Comes” (Grogan 08.31.2014)”
Click here to view this video on YouTube.
Welcome to DisciplesNet Church, an online church with walls as wide as the world, doors that are always open, and always room at the table.
We invite you to join us for this special after Christmas Sunday, with a message about what happens when loves dwells on earth. Our message is by Richard Propes, drawing from the scripture of 1 John 4:
Also, special reading and prayer with 5 advent candles lit, and singing of 5 favorite Christmas songs. Continue reading →
Welcome to DisciplesNet Church, an internet church with walls as wide as the world, doors that are always open, and always room at the table.
Whether you are visiting because of bad weather, illness, or some other reason, or come here regularly, we are happy that you are here, and hope you will join us for this 30 minute time of worship together. Continue reading →
To watch this video on YouTube, click here.
This video was made with love by our student associate Amy Grogan and we thank you for watching it.
We pray that wherever you are and whatever your circumstances you will have calm and quiet in your soul and remember that you are God's child.
God loves you and is ever-present and near your heart.
To watch this music video on YouTube, click here
We invite you to join pastor and musician Dean Phelps as he sings vocals and plays guitar on "Farther On," a beautiful old shape note hymn out of the Sacred Harp tradition in North America.
More about Dean and his music, including from 4 CDs, can be found on his website at:
This video was produced by DisciplesNet Church, thanks to the gifts of donors helping us to cross barriers and boundaries to share the good news of God's redeeming love.
If you would like to help support DisciplesNet and see more videos such as this one, our contact information is below, including our Giving portal on our website.
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DisciplesNet Church
PO Box 17935
Indianapolis, IN 46217
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God bless you, and thank you for joining us!