the Sweetest Wine – A devotion by Marci McGowan
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![]() Centurion-Fine Step |
“Three days later there was a wedding in the village of Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there. Jesus and his disciples were guests also. When they started running low on wine at the wedding banquet, Jesus’ mother told him, “They’re just about out of wine.”
Jesus said, “Is that any of our business, Mother–yours or mine? This isn’t my time. Don’t push me.”
She went ahead anyway, telling the servants, “Whatever he tells you, do it.”
Six stoneware water pots were there, used by the Jews for ritual washings. Each held twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus ordered the servants, “Fill the pots with water.” And they filled them to the brim.
“Now fill your pitchers and take them to the host,” Jesus said, and they did.
When the host tasted the water that had become wine (he didn’t know what had just happened but the servants, of course, knew), he called out to the bridegroom, “Everybody I know begins with their finest wines and after the guests have had their fill brings in the cheap stuff. But you’ve saved the best till now!”
This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of his glory. And his disciples believed in him.
John 2:1-11 The Message Bible
"Family" | Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
Family, singing in the kitchen
Family, running through the yard
Family, going on vacation
Family, on the credit card
Family, all in this together
Family, we’re taking a chance
Family, like birds of feather
Family, kick off your shoes and dance
Family, on the way to the city
Family, laughing in the rain
Family, it ain’t always pretty
Family, can drive you insane
Family, got the keys to the kingdom
Family, take it a la carte
Family, all four seasons
Family, well bless your heart
You don’t choose 'em, you can’t lose 'em
We all have a song to sing
Some are crazy, some are amazing
All got a little bit of everything
Family, sons and daughters
Family, like a photograph
Family, baptized in the water
Family, put me on the map
Family, all in this together
Family, taking a chance
Family, like birds of a feather
Family, kick off your shoes and dance.
Lyrics by Drew Holcombe
My nephew, Charlie, has finally asked his long-time girlfriend, the question. She said yes. They had an engagement party to celebrate. That brought back some memories of my mom’s youngest brother getting married in the 80s. My uncle utilized the men in the family as groomsmen, best man, and acolytes. My sister and I were not included. That really bothered me, and the fact that he used my younger brother as an altar boy. They got married in the Presbyterian church, and had to face the altar, because of the customs of that church. I remember after the wedding, walking back, that my uncle passed me and my sister; and did not even stop to hug us, and went straight to my younger brother; gave him a hug, and asked him if got anything. My I also remember my brother making a comment about my uncle’s wedding, during the rehearsal dinner. The oldest cousin had the duties of lighting the candles before the ceremony and extinguishing them afterwards. Even though my mom did not officially have a role, she sat the dinner rehearsal’s table of honor, along with her younger sister, my abbot uncle, and the couple who was the reason behind the dinner. I remember feeling a bit miffed about things, that me and my sister did not have a direct role in the wedding, because all the family men did. It did not seem fair to us at all. I also remember having to sit with strangers, while the cousins got to sit together. I remember the day before the wedding, sitting with people, and hearing what seemed like excessive conversation going on all once. I remember my granny talking to me about the where the couple’s car was hidden; and me thinking that “Why would she even know such a thing?” I was 16 at the time, that would have made my sister 14; and my younger brother 11. Weddings, although they are special occasions, can be incredibly insane and crazy.
I chose to place the Family song because of a horse movie that I have seen called, “Centurion.” The movie is called, “Fine Step;” because the horse is controlled by its rider, riding on only one block. Any time the horse steps out of the block, it is disqualified. Centurion, an abused horse came by way of rescue to this ranch. Its hired ranch hand found out that the horse was special, when he was cleaning its stall. The song, Family, blared loudly out on the radio, and Centurion began his dancing routine. The routine so impressed the ranch hand, that he entered him into the town’s “Fine Step” competition. When it came Centurion’s turn to compete; and the song, Family, blared over the loudspeakers, Centurion launched into his routine, with the ranch hand controlling his movements. He became an audience favorite and won the audience award.
Even Jesus did not always understand his own family. He did not want to do what his mother asked. Sometimes, we do not understand or relate to our families either; even though they may have our best intentions at heart. Family intricacies and dynamics, can help us learn about life, whether we are wanting to or not. It is during the process of living, that we find our true souls, our voice, and our dance!
It is also up to us as to how we decide we are going to use the circumstances that happen in life, whether they be positive or negative. One thing for certain, is that family and life do have an effect on how we turn out.
Have you ever tasted “bad wine?” Is any wine “bad?” Do you have your own particular brand of wine?
Have you had to deal with family in a confusing situation that turned out different than what you might have expected? What did you do to deal with the situation?
Was it the situation that was difficult or family members that were difficult?
And with that said, I am still in the process of learning how to listen and dance to the sweetest cadence!
Much Life and Love!
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